Wednesday 4 May 2011

While researching into the folk genre I did a short questionnaire. I asked numerous people from different social groups, and of mixed ages to fill out the questionnaire

Questionnaire template;


Do you personally enjoy listening to folk music? Explain your answer

What do you expect to see in a folk music video? Explain your answer

Do you think folk music as a lost tradition? Explain your answer

Do you think we will see folk music in the charts in the future? Explain your answer.

My results were very helpful in understanding how people felt about folk music. I found that a lot of the younger generation were unaware of folk music and unsure about what it is and what it represents. This made me think about ways that I could use my media product, to encourage younger children to listen and enjoy traditional folk music. I also noticed that different social groups within the youth culture looked at folk music in different ways. the 'Indie crowd' enjoyed listening to folk music and had an understanding of the lyrics and stories behind the songs, were as the 'Chavs' were not interested and did not understand the meaning of folk music.
The majority of the questionnaire results came back with very similar answers for the question 'What do you expect to see in a folk music video?'. people want to see a very natural acoustic video, concentrating on the lyrics to the song and the story that it is telling. 

from doing the questionnaire i have got a clear insight into what people want and expect from folk music. it has also helped with decision making and ideas for my final media product.

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